How To Fix Hacked A WordPress Site

If your WordPress website has been hacked by cybercriminals it’s important to act quickly to fix the problem and prevent any further damage. In this blog post, we’ll go through the steps to show how to fix a hacked WordPress site to help take back control of your website and business.

How Did My WordPress Website Get Hacked

If you suspect that your WordPress website has been hacked, there are several symptoms to look out for which we have outlined below that may help you confirm if your website has been compromised by hackers.

  1. Unexpected Changes to Website Content One of the most obvious signs that your WordPress website has been hacked is unexpected changes to website content. If you notice that there are new pages or posts on your website that you didn’t create, it’s possible that a hacker has gained access to your site and is using it to promote their own content.
  2. Strange Pop-Ups or Ads Another symptom of a hacked WordPress site is strange pop-ups or ads that appear on your website. These ads may be unrelated to your site’s content and can be a sign that a hacker has injected malicious code into your site.
  3. Slow Website Performance A website can also cause slow website performance. If you notice that your website is taking longer than usual to load or is experiencing frequent downtime, it’s possible that a hacker has installed malware on your site that is causing performance issues.
  4. Unauthorized Access to Admin Dashboard If you find that you are unable to access your website’s admin dashboard or that there are unauthorized users with access to your dashboard, your website has likely been hacked. Hackers can gain access to your website’s admin panel by stealing login credentials or exploiting vulnerabilities in the system.
  5. Suspicious User Accounts Another symptom of a compromised website is suspicious user accounts. If you notice that there are new user accounts on your website that you didn’t create, or if you find that your existing user accounts have been tampered with, it’s possible that a hacker has gained access to your site.
  6. Unexplained Database Changes If you notice that there are unexplained changes to your website’s database, it could be a sign that your site has been compromised. Hackers can manipulate your website’s database to steal sensitive information or to create backdoors that allow them to access your site in the future.
  7. Unexpected Website Redirects Another symptom of a hacked WordPress website is unexpected redirects. If you find that your website is redirecting users to another site or to a different page on your site, it’s possible that a hacker has injected malicious code into your site.
  8. Google Blacklisting If your website has been compromised, Google may blacklist it to prevent users from visiting it. If you find that your website is no longer showing up in Google search results, it’s possible that your site has been blacklisted due to malicious activity.
  9. Increased Spam Comments If you find that your website is receiving an unusually high number of spam comments, it could be a sign that your site has been attacked. Hackers can use your site to send spam comments or to promote their own content, which can damage your website’s reputation.
  10. Unusual Server Activity Finally, if you notice unusual activity on your website’s server, such as high CPU usage or unusual network traffic, it could be a sign that your site has been hacked. Hackers can use your server to launch attacks on other websites or to steal sensitive information from your site.

How Do I Fix A Hacked WordPress Website

The following guide will provide you with the steps to help you fix your hacked WordPress site.

Step 1: Take Your Website Offline

The first thing you need to do is take your website offline to prevent any further damage. This can be done by disabling the website or putting it in maintenance mode. To do this, you can use a plugin such as WP Maintenance Mode or put a temporary index.html file in the root directory of your website.

Step 2: Identify the Hack

Once your website is offline, you need to identify the hack. This can be done by checking your website for any malicious files, suspicious code, or unusual activity. You can use a security plugin such as Wordfence or Sucuri to scan your website and identify any potential security issues.

Step 3: Clean Up Your Website

Once you’ve identified the hack, you need to clean up your website. This involves removing any malicious files, suspicious code, or other security threats. If you’re not comfortable doing this yourself, you can hire a professional to do it for you. However, if you decide to do it yourself, make sure you have a backup of your website before making any changes.

Step 4: Update Your WordPress Installation

After you’ve cleaned up your website, you need to update your WordPress installation to the latest version. This will ensure that your website is running the most secure version of WordPress and that any known security vulnerabilities have been fixed.

Step 5: Update Your Themes & Plugins

You need to review all the WordPress themes and plugins you have installed on your website and update them to the latest versions. We would also recommend you remove any themes or plugins which are not been used at the website to reduce the chances of getting hacked again in the future.

Step 6: Change Your Passwords

Once you’ve updated your WordPress installation, you need to change all of your passwords. This includes your WordPress login, FTP, and database passwords. Make sure you use strong passwords that are difficult to guess.

Step 7: Harden Your Website Security

After you’ve updated your website and changed your passwords, you need to take steps to harden your website security. This can be done by installing a security plugin, such as Wordfence or Sucuri, and configuring it to your liking. You should also consider using a web application firewall (WAF) to protect your website from known security threats.

Step 7: Monitor Your Website

Finally, it’s important to monitor your website regularly to ensure that it’s secure and that there are no security threats. You can use a security plugin to monitor your website and receive alerts if any security issues are detected.

In conclusion, if your WordPress website has been hacked, it’s important to act quickly to fix the problem and prevent any further damage. This involves identifying the hack, cleaning up your website, updating your WordPress installation, changing your passwords, hardening your website security, and monitoring your website regularly. By following these steps, you can ensure that your WordPress website is secure and protected from future security threats.